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The most comprehensive kit available!
This kit has everything you need to get started PLUS an  adult enclosure with decor for when they are old enough to have a bigger home.

This kit includes:

The Arachnamoria Care Book

Starter Home with Decor

Fine Mist Spray Bottle 100ml

Cleaning Kit

7w Heat MatDigital

Thermostat with temperature sensor.

Adult Enclosure (8th instar to maturity. Comes flatpacked)
Adult Enclosure Decor  - Substrate, cork bark, driftwood
Adult Enclosure Hygrometer

The starter home is suitable for a baby jumping spider from 5th instar up to and including an 7th instar depending on their individual size. Adult enclosure suitable for larger spiders at 8th instar to maturity.

Jumping Spider Starter to Adult Kit

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