Current Parents
Here are the parents of babies who are either available now, will be ready soon, or planned for the future. Spiders walfares are my number one priority when breeding pet jumping spiders. I only pair a few at a time and document every stage of their journey from egg to when they are ready to rehome at and beyond their 5th instar. Mothers are kept in their own spacious and familiar enclosures with lots of leaves, moss and branches to spin their silky nests.
All of my spiders are captive bred from captive bred parents. I never mass breed or power feed, I ensure any pure locales are kept pure, and that the parents are not related. Once the babies start to disperse the nest they are separated and individually tended to, to offer every baby spider a chance at thriving.

Thalassia and Nook
Phidippus regius - Florida Locale
'Goblin' Breed Line
Thalassia is the sweetest and calmest spider I have ever had. She loves to sit on shoulders and think her big thought. She is a black phase colouration with fluffy legs and sparkly maroon chelicerae. A little gem of a spider who has been a doting mum to her first egg sac.
Nook is from the infamous Goblin breed line with his lineage going back to the OG pair at Arachnamoria, Clover and Lucas, and their famous daughter, the mischievous Neil. I kept him back because he hid inside a little nook in some cork bark when I was trying to photograph him to rehome and would not come out. It was clear he wanted to stay. Getting him to pair with Thalassia was a little tricky because he was insistent that he dance for me instead.
UPDATE: Babies from the first sace are looking to be ready sometime in April